As part of the activities of the YOUR ART BEAT e.V., we pursue the vision of enriching the YOURARTBEAT structure with another tool: The YOURARTBEAT GALLERY. You’ll get a first impression through our Virtual Booth.
The virtual booth allows 3-D inspection of artworks in one of our exhibitions.
For 2-D inspections of a giant artspace combined with extensive information sources we recommend openArtBrowser a tremendous project of Hochschule Darmstadt (University of Applied Sciences)

These tools are somewhat immersive and medially processed stores where knowledge is generated in common, linked to categories and made available to society. With the help of the latest technologies and intermedia processing forms, creative content is not only tangible but leads to a new form of perception by addressing different senses and stimuli. With this future-oriented approach, we not only want to create a common art memory, but also give a new innovative form to the exchange, generation and expansion of knowledge.