“Inselgalerie” – The everyday life of a gallery

———— Filed under: Art ⁄⁄ Artist ⁄⁄ Artwork ⁄⁄ Exhibition ⁄⁄ painting
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Publ. 04.14.2020

On my way to Inselgalerie in Friedrichshain, close to Frankfurter Tor, the area does not seem like a typical place where I would find a gallery. According to gallery director Eva Hübner, galleries must be located in every district of the city. “[…] This part of the Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg district has less cultural and creative offerings than, for example, the area around Warschauer Strasse, and as a result, there are not so many people who often go to galleries without fear of contact“, so Hübner. What does fear of contact mean? There is a certain fear of entering a gallery, but are somehow afraid to enter. I was one of them – but why? Perhaps because a visit to a gallery is not as anonymous as a visit to a museum? “Maybe, but I don’t exactly see it this way”, says Mrs. Hübner. Continue reading “Inselgalerie” – The everyday life of a gallery