Augmented Reality Guide – PART II

———— Filed under: Allgemein ⁄⁄ Art ⁄⁄ Augmented Reality ⁄⁄ Design ⁄⁄ Digital ⁄⁄ Virtual Reality
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Publ. 07.25.2017

AUGMENTED REALITY Guide -what you need to know- PART II


The second article of the „AR“ series covers the question: How does AR work?

In the course of the adoption of smartphones in our society, people are not just informed about new trends or technological innovations, they are even surrounded by them (-if they want or not); One of the first commercial success stories in AR was written by Pokémon Go, which gave the people a first and easily accessible impression of AR with the aid of their smartphones. So everybody is experiencing AR content but nobody really knows how it works.

The more immersive and dynamic AR experience is the one you are doing with a real headset (f.e. HoloLens). In general, AR works in conjunction with digital devices (tablets, smartphones, headsets etc.), that contain software, sensors and projectors which trigger digital displays onto physical objects.

The AR process uses a camera with „scanning mode“ that is able to generate a data base of captured shapes and corners (by pointing the camera in the room and let it analyse their proportions). Then the camera detect trigger objects from its database and let digital objects appear in the position of the scanned -on target- object.

And that is Augmented Reality behind the scenes.

Augmented Reality Guide – PART I

———— Filed under: Allgemein ⁄⁄ Augmented Reality ⁄⁄ Design ⁄⁄ Digital ⁄⁄ Virtual Reality
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Publ. 07.24.2017

AUGMENTED REALITY Guide -what you need to know- PART I


The first blog post of this AR article series is about the definition of Augmented Reality, as well as its differences to Virtual or Mixed Reality.

So, first of all- What is „Augmented Reality“? – Augmented Reality (or Enhanced Reality) is a technology that lays computer-generated images over a user’s view of the real world . In simple terms:

digital elements are added to your common point of view OR

virtual objects are anchored in real space

So AR „upgrades“ the existing reality through a computer based extension and modifies your cognition of reality, as well. The most typical or „most-known/used“ extensions of AR -so far- are little information boards, virtual signposts, videos or 3D objects –like the Pokémons of 2016 hyped game Pokémon Go!

Well, the next question is- What are the differences between „Augmented“, „Mixed“ and „Virtual Reality“? – Usually the poeple think that AR distinguishes from MR but as we see, Augmented Reality is kind of a „Mixed Reality“. In contrast to AR or MR, „Virtual Reality“ leaves out the dependance to actual reality – it is a fully computer generated simulation of new environments and worlds. Furthermore, the aspect of interacting with the animated objects or worlds is completely omitted.

So, let’s summarise:

VR – Virtual Reality – is a fully immersive experience // a computer generated simulation of new surroundings without interaction of the physical world around you

MR / AR – Mixed / Augmented Reality – is the integration of three-dimensional virtual objects, you can interact with, in real space


———— Filed under: Allgemein ⁄⁄ Artist ⁄⁄ Artwork ⁄⁄ Design ⁄⁄ Uncategorized
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Publ. 07.10.2017

-is the title of André Hennen’s book that discerns the different paths of life and working models (the permanent position, the freelance work and the foundation of an enterprise). The author also broaches the issues of private life, free time and starting a family, whereby he makes new cases and theses in the subject of modern work-life-balance.

„Kunst, Kommerz und Kinderkriegen“ is a mixture of guidebook, field report and entertaining work book. It also integrates philosophical approaches without getting too complicated or abstract and without loosing the connection or attention of the reader.

But in my opinion the most special thing about „Kunst, Kommerz und Kinderkriegen“ is the wonderful design, the high-value overall-arrangement and the way André Hennen is communicating his content. The illustrations and (info)graphics aren’t just illuminating and very understandable, they support the text and bring out the relevant statements. It is perfectly tailored to eye-minded and visual-thinking creatives!

CONTENT - Significant, Reflected and Accessible,

DESIGN - Appealing, Harmonious and Expedient


André Hennen is picking out the central themes of the current creative society and present generation. Themes and questions, everybody is dealing with and should think about... like

  • What is important for you as an creative individual?
  • What shall your future look like?
  • And which way of living do you want to focus?
  • What are your goals? And how can you reach them?
  • Which way is the best one to bring yourself to the market?

„Kunst, Kommerz und Kinderkriegen“ – RECOMMENDED!

Read an interview with André Hennen HERE

or have a look at the website of Verlag Hermann Schmidt


———— Filed under: Allgemein ⁄⁄ Art
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Publ. 06.27.2017


For everybody who missed the YOURARTBEAT Kick Off Party and therefore the premiere screening of the new YOURARTBEAT VIDEO, here it is:


More than two weeks ago the art project YOURARTBEAT and the related association YOUR ART BEAT e.V. were celebrating the official launch at Game Science Center Berlin. We all had a lot of fun and are already looking forward to the next event!

Here some impressions of the evening

(You can find the video at Vimeo and see more photos on YOURARTBEAT’s Facebook Page. Check it out!)


DUST – VR as a medium for contemporary dance

———— Filed under: Allgemein ⁄⁄ Art ⁄⁄ Artwork ⁄⁄ Digital
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Publ. 06.16.2017

I just found a new vvvv made artwork, a virtual reality experience in the sense of contemporary dance, called DUST. It is working on a construction of movable 3D recordings reflecting dance moves or ballet performances.

Through the VR headset the poeple can place themselves into the motion environment of the dancer. DUST-visitors have the possibility to stand next to the performer or they can even step inside them, DUST allows them to explore their flow and their dance moves from any perspective. An unique aspect of the DUST project is the visual transfer of dimensions: the dancer’s body and body movements, as well as thier environment, are reflected as particular particles. By this special visualisation the experience is getting more and more organic and conveys a very natural and human, nearly biological or physical impression and understanding to the audience.

In addition, this unique visual scenario gets complete and perfect by dint of audio effects, sound support and background music, that esecially was created for this presentation.
The inspiration and influence of earth’s consistence and physical structure are also reasons for the naming of this project: DUST.
They say this special experience of contemporary dance is not only building a deep emotional connection to humans’ origin, it sways the sense of time, space and movement, too. I think the following words of the two DUST-creators Mária Júdova and Andrej Boleslavsky express the potential and enrichment of this new „medium for contemporary dance“:

„As an improvisational tool, VR can inspire creative movements; as an educational tool, it can record choreography and encourage public engagement, and, for us, it is a tool for endless artistic expression.”

TILT BRUSH – new ways of creativity

———— Filed under: Art ⁄⁄ Digital
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Publ. 12.13.2016

3d787ef094cb3105907277fd74447f19For some time now Virtual Reality is a big topic inside the tech scene and also gets more and more attention in the life of „common society“. Step by step every kind of branch is recognizing the big potential of this technology and how it could be useful in their field, even in education and training, as well as medicine or psychological research. In my opinion, the biggest effect can be identified inside the creative sector. It even doesn’t completely change the way we’ re watching (or rather experiencing) films and play games, Virtual Reality opens us new worlds of being creative and lets us create art in dimensions, we weren’t able to use yet.


It is a creative app developed and published by Google and released for Microsoft Windows in April 2016.


To me, Tilt Brush is the most impressive construction. 


Tilt Brush is a 3D painting tool – your room is your canvas and your painting devices are your own creations. You are able to live out your creative imaginations in three dimensions and construct your own world by endless possibilities. 

But you can not only build up your art work –or better art world-, you can also 

EXPLORE (--->) 

them in a new way. In practice, you can walk inside your own sculptures and study them from every perspective and distance.

vas-home-fbBut now I am asking myself, will artists, designers and good drawers or painters be able to implement their skills inside this 3D world? –Strictly speaking, humans did not sketch something in three dimensions, in a room, we were only composing on paper or any other two-dimensional materials.

Tilt Brush requires a completenew thinking, other skills and movements. Maybe it will work out intuitively but I don’t know because I haven’t tried yet.


It is certain that Tilt Brush or further VR painting tools have the potential to revolutionize the human’s way of beeing creative and create or explore arts. However, the people have to be aware of the danger, too. I mean, you can be god in your own world, you can create and change it as you like, by endless possibilities. You can plunge into your own virtual reality, that seems more attractive to you than real reality, and loose yourself into it whenever and wherever you like...

In general, I am very excited of the further development in creative VR constructions and curious about experiencing Tilt Brush for the first time. It might be a crazy, as well as awesome tool...

But I am interested,

  • Does anybody heard something of similar tools?
Will technologies like this oust our traditional ways of drawing with pen and paper?
  • And do you think humans first have to learn how to transfer their drawing ideas and movements into three dimensional canvas?


...visit the virtual experiements website, there you can follow some interactive Tilt brush sessions by six artists showing their first explorations in a 3D virtual environment...

virtual art sessions

or watch some inspiring videos!



———— Filed under: Art ⁄⁄ Artist ⁄⁄ Artwork ⁄⁄ photography
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Publ. 12.13.2016

Women of Canterbury (2011) and Gentle Creatures (2007) are names of two photography series from Marianna Rothen, a visual artist based in NYC. Inside her collections she portrays the most beautiful traits of the female gender, concerning to their mental, as well as physical charisma.

SEO Text
Alternative Beschreibung

The nudity of the shown girls communicates a very sensual impression and represent them in all naturalness, vulnerability and delicateness. The women’s elegance and graceful aesthetics are pointed in such a playful and maiden way that you could rather call them girls –than women. The same can be seen in the presentation of the women’s body - as an object. Of course, on the one side the nudity emphasizes sexuality and female attractions but has no erotic focus or aim of the other side.

This girly mood gets also supported by the organic environment and the natural or human way of the women’s movement and attitude, especially in their interaction and behavior in group. This appends a very flowery and hippie like touch that is additionally complemented by Rothen's photography methods whose visual vintage style is strongly reminiscent of the 60’s and 70’s.

marianna-rothen-tangerine-3arcane17_les_etoilesAnother interesting association -both thematically and visually- is the link to one special card of a tarot deck. The talk is of a very esoteric, emotional and especially female card: „The Stars“ (no.17). This card pronounces a female matter of emotion, the women’s nativeness, tenderness, vulnerability and sensualism. Likewise the photographs, the tarot card „The Stars“ emanates a childish, playful and easy mood, it attaches importance to a soulful life with mindful reflection, female awareness, balance and a focus on amusement and joy.


I really fell in love with this photography series and the aesthetics of Rothen’s theoretical approach,

as well as the successful implementation.

- a romanticized fairy tale

of the female flower children

walking in idleness,

devoting themselves to

the sweet and carefree life.


website - instagram - Vimeo