———— Filed under: Allgemein ⁄⁄ Art ⁄⁄ Coding ⁄⁄ Design ⁄⁄ Digital ⁄⁄ Uncategorized ⁄⁄ Virtual Reality

Publ. 01.4.2018

GRUNDWISSEN VR – eine Artikelserie zur Aufklärung des Virtual Reality Phänomens:


Der zweite Teil der Grundwissen VR – Serie beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, Was macht Virtual Reality mit der menschlichen Psyche? Bei der Nutzung von VR findet eine gefühlsmäßig Verschmelzung statt, denn der User beginnt schon ab kürzester Zeit sich mit der virtuellen Welt, insbesondere seinem Avatar, zu identifizieren. Doch diese Identifikation und die Selbstwahrnehmung bzw. die Wahrnehmung seines Ich-Avatars wird nicht mit der VR Brille zusammen abgelegt! Das Gehirn hat sich so sehr an den virtuellen Zustand gewöhnt, dass der Benutzer ihn mit ins echte Leben trägt, was sich selbstverständlich auch auf sein Verhalten auswirkt.

BEISPIEL: Wer in VR einer Minderheit angehört, wird im echten Leben toleranter. ODER: Wer in VR ein Superheld ist, verlässt die virtuelle Welt sozialer, selbstloser und hilfsbereiter.

Diese Beispiele klingen ja eigentlich ganz nett, aber wie sieht das ganze bei Ego-Shooter Games und in Kriegsszenarien aus.?!

Bei einem Experiment, bei dem Leute mit VR Headset auf einem virtuellen, schmalen Brett balancieren, das über einem tiefen Abgrund hängt, empfinden die „Probanden“ auch noch lange nachdem sie die virtuelle Gefahren-Welt verlassen haben, ein bedrohliches Gefühl. Die meisten trauten sich sogar nicht von dem Brett in den virtuellen Abgrund zu springen, obwohl sie wussten, dass sie sich in der echten Welt nicht mehr als 30cm vom Boden entfernt befanden.

Man kann also feststellen, dass die virtuelle Realität eine enorme Überzeugungskraft auf den Menschen auslöst! Man hat die Möglichkeit, echte Adrenalin Kicks zu verspüren, jedoch sind auch die Ängste und Bedrohungen echt! …Und wie sich gezeigt hat, halten diese Emotionen auch noch nach Verlassen der virtuellen Welt an und üben Einfluss auf den menschlichen Körper und Geist aus.

Virtual Reality… ein Hackangriff auf die menschliche Psyche


———— Filed under: Allgemein ⁄⁄ Art ⁄⁄ Coding ⁄⁄ Design ⁄⁄ Digital ⁄⁄ Uncategorized ⁄⁄ Virtual Reality

Publ. 01.3.2018

GRUNDWISSEN VR – eine Artikelserie zur Aufklärung des Virtual Reality Phänomens : 


 Der erste Teil der Grundwissen VR – Serie beschäftigt sich mit der elementaren Frage, Was ist Virtual Reality eigentlich? Das Internet ist gepflastert mit den unterschiedlichsten Beschreibungen und Deutungen von VR. Bevor man sich jedoch auf eine gängige Definition einlässt, bedarf es einer etwas vorsichtigeren Annäherung an den VR-Begriff. Die Idee dahinter besagt, dass künstlich erzeugte 3D Welten mithilfe aufwendiger Technik, versuchen eine Realität so realistisch wie möglich darzustellen bzw. nachzubilden. Der Anwender soll das Gefühl haben sich inmitten einer virtuellen Welt zu befinden und auch Teil von dieser zu sein.

Wesentliche Merkmale lassen sich zusammenfassen:

  • VR ist sowohl eine (Informations-)Technologie, als auch ein Medium
  • VR bildet eine Schnittstelle zwischen Mensch und Maschine
  • VR Welten werden elektronisch simuliert und sind computerbasierend
  • VR bietet ein dreidimensionales und immersives Erlebnis
  • VR ermöglicht eine Interaktion zwischen dem Menschen und seiner virtuellen Umgebung inkl. deren Akteure
  • VR täuscht die Sinne und blendet die reale Welt aus

Schlussfolgernd könnte eine Definition von VR folgendermaßen aussehen:


———— Filed under: Allgemein ⁄⁄ Design ⁄⁄ Digital ⁄⁄ Uncategorized ⁄⁄ Virtual Reality

Publ. 01.2.2018

GRUNDWISSEN VR – eine Artikelserie zur Aufklärung des Virtual Reality Phänomens

Der Begriff „Virtual Reality“ oder auch „VR“ ist in aller Munde, scheint sogar schon so inflationär ge/ver/braucht worden zu sein, dass er direkt in unserem alltäglichen Wortschatz gelandet ist. Dennoch scheint nur ein Bruchteil der Gesellschaft zu wissen, was VR nun wirklich (WIRKLICH!) ist.!

„Ja da setzt man so eine große, komische Brille auf.“

„Das ist doch irgendwas mit Phantasiewelten, oder.?!“

„…auf jeden Fall was technisches.“

„GRUNDWISSEN VR“ soll Licht ins Dunkle bringen. Im Rahmen dieser Artikel-Serie sollen die grundlegendsten Fragen hinsichtlich Virtual Reality geklärt werden, nämlich:

– Was ist Virtual Reality? – Was macht Virtual Reality mit unserer Psyche? –

– Wie funktioniert Virtual Reality? – Welche Hardware benötigt man für ein VR-Erlebnis? –

– Wo wird Virtual Reality eingesetzt? –


———— Filed under: Allgemein ⁄⁄ Art ⁄⁄ creative writing ⁄⁄ Design ⁄⁄ Digital ⁄⁄ Uncategorized
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Publ. 11.15.2017

Your creative output is huge but you don’t know where to publish?

You want to write articles, present your projects or exchange ideas?

You want to contribute to the public art discourse and advance the creative dialogue?


YOUR ART BEAT is a diverse artistic project, mostly focused on digital arts and virtual experience. We are searching for creative writers and bloggers who want to contribute and share their matters within the artistic society.

This free blog gives you the opportunity to present your ideas, projects, thaughts and articles, to design and shape them with multimedia and to share them with the public.

Both the text form and the topics are free to choose – as long as there is a reference to creativity, culture, and arts. Either you want to introduce your project, publish a review about a book or an exhibition, post an interview, write an article on a specific artist or share your thoughts concerning a specific subject – YOUR ART BEAT offers a space for creative minds and their matters as well as a space for exchange, discourse, and interaction.

To increase the web blog’s diversity of artistic shapes and subjects we are looking for contributors and dedicated writers who want to publish articles and posts (on a regular basis).



We are looking forward to your articles, posts, and comments. Submit to

You can also follow YOUR ART BEAT on Facebook and Instagram

audiovisual cosmos project of THEDOTISBLACK

———— Filed under: Art ⁄⁄ Artist ⁄⁄ Artwork ⁄⁄ Coding ⁄⁄ Design ⁄⁄ Digital ⁄⁄ Processing
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Publ. 11.9.2017


Explore space, planets, and stars in a way, you probably never did before!

This project contains all kind of audiovisuals related to planets, stars and space exploration in general. All audiovisuals are made with code (Processing). The audio files are carefully researched – mostly original files that are available from NASA, ESA or any university or institute that conducts research projects in space. Each video contains an explicit description with audio references and hyperlinks. This series of audiovisuals is a long-term project and more visuals will be added with time and new interesting findings in space and beyond.

The platform behind this project calls thedotisblack and was created to explore generative drawings made with code, clearly defined: the programming language Processing. Founder of thedotisblack is David Mrugala, german architect, educator and professional that is currently living in Seoul, Korea.

This multidisciplinary concept combines natural science studies, sound analysis, digital visualization, and coding.

Not only the diverse backgrounds and influences are making this project unique, also the visual expression and aesthetic reflection abduct the viewer from reality and create a wonderful artistic just as scientific, allover experience.


Click here to find the whole youtube playlist – containing the Sound of Sun, Earth, Jupiter, Saturn and its rings, Uranus and Neptune.

Click here to visit the Tumblr website  or the facebook page from thedotisblack.

In addition, you –happily– have the possibility to buy artworks or other products of thedotisblack. You can find the shop (via society6) here.

spotlight on PATTY DIMO

———— Filed under: Allgemein ⁄⁄ Art ⁄⁄ Artist ⁄⁄ Artwork ⁄⁄ Exhibition ⁄⁄ painting
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Publ. 10.17.2017


Well-known artist in Honduras – Newcomer in Berlin

Patty Dimo is a young and cosmopolitan painter born and raised in Honduras. There she already is an established and well-known artist, exhibiting and selling her art work regularly; but nevertheless she left her home country and set off to Barcelona. There she did her master degree in arts and furthermore realized that she needs to go out and explore other countries in Europe as well as their colors. So the impulse for artistic development and the curiosity in new inspiration were finally bringing her to Berlin.

In Berlin she has the chance to develop her arts, to experiment with her skills, to grow and widen her genre, her style and artistic character.


Patty feels inspired by various influences from several artistic movements and was already experimenting with their different techniques and methods. But there is a common aspect you can find in each of her paintings –you could either call it the „magical Dimo’sche formula“, which means the conjunction of


Especially Dimo’s use of COLOR is a strong characteristic of her arts and effectuate a recognition value. The significance of color in art has also been a big matter for the young artist inside her master thesis that is called „The Attribute of Color is Expressive and Emotive“ and from this, Dimos first solo show was following. For her the color has both, a figurative and a symbolic role, that she use to transform perspectives; because inside her paintings she is creating a new abstract reality, composed by her own view of the world, her interpretation of things, as well as her personal experiences and emotions. Dimo is working with divergent subjects and themes concerning her painting’s concepts but her basic schema consists of picking a real object -that constitutes the connecting element to reality-, transform its usual background, put it into another context and let emerge a new version of the formerly main motive. Thereby she uses her sensitive cognition to capture mental & atmospherical layers, to identify little details, hidden aspects, as well as everything that hides behind the obvious and beyond the logical. All these impressions get expressed on the canvas and create -in combination with the objective element- a visual allover representation of a specific matter. For her, it is very important to convey a personal reflection on the nature of beauty, sublime elements of mortality and to reveal the diversity of interpretations in the sense of the emotional interlocking of these concepts.


Patty’s latest art work series bear the wonderful name „Tropical Veins“, in which she is not just interpreting the theme -tropical- in diverse ways but also visualising the different directions of life you can go through. Every single color, every single pattern, every line, shape, stripe or texture represent in its own measurement and intensity, a special emotion, a new experience, an accural of further views and perspectives on the world -or a general lately influence in lfe. The final art work shows a dynamic visualisation of a life process and tell a story about the development and growth of personality.


As a meaningful art work series „Tropical Veins“ was presented two weeks ago at Berliner Liste 2017 for the first time. In the middle of this huge art fair where one artist booth is following the other, Dimo’s 10 qm2 cabin -adorned with floral pattern and multicolored acrylic paintings- was a real eye catcher in contrast to all Berliner Liste exhibitors, which mostly depict a reduced style.

After this performance at Berliner Liste, Dimo still counts as a Newcomer in abstract painting but is now an official member of Berlin’s contemporary art society, as well. From my point of view she was the shining sun of the fair and I wish her all the best in the future.


Patty is currently looking for a gallery space to present a special project. The art work series „The Beauty of Dying“ isn’t just a very moving and personal series, it is also a philosophical confrontation with one of the most relevant topics of humans: Dying.

So if you are interested in exhibiting Patty Dimo’s artwork in your gallery or art space, get in touch with her by following this link or write an email to

Of course, Patty is also looking forward to further requests, offerings and interested persons!


Website I Facebook I Instagram I Twitter I Pinterest


———— Filed under: Allgemein ⁄⁄ Art ⁄⁄ Design ⁄⁄ Digital ⁄⁄ Exhibition ⁄⁄ photography ⁄⁄ Uncategorized
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Publ. 09.13.2017

Peer to Space is a creative organisation focusing on young contemporary arts -especially digital and Internet art-. Tina Sauerländer is the founder of peer to space (2010) and has already curated exhibitions and shows in frame of reputable institutions like HeK (Haus der elektronischen Künste, Basel) or at POSITIONS (a yearly Berlin Art Fair).

But she curates online exhibitions, as well,

to increase the visibility of new ways of artistic expression,

to create an easy access & raise the people’s interest in art and

to bring new forms of creativity into our modern environment, to current channels and devices,

thereby she totally catches up the nower Zeitgeist. Pioneering…

Mermaids and unicorns is the name of peer to space’s latest online exhibition and deals with the blurry boarders of humans’ on- and off-screen reality, the perception and acceptance of new truths, the impermanence and evanescence of up-to-dateness.


Next to interdisciplinary exhibitions, workshops and other projects, peer to space presents new forms of expressions and approaches in young contemporary art. Similarly to the concept of YOURARTBEAT, peer to space also serves a platform for artistic exchange of knowledge and experience.

The intention of peer to space is defined by its name – it combines the structure of Peer to peer Networking with the ideas of space, freedom and openness to artistic expression.

Aside: Peer to peer networking (P2P) means computer-networks where several computers can work together equally – it is an offering and sharing of own, as well as the use of the others’ services, functions and resources.


Find Peer to Space on Facebook

FORENSIC DENSE – an installed interaction

———— Filed under: Art ⁄⁄ Design ⁄⁄ Digital ⁄⁄ Exhibition
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Publ. 08.23.2017

Action. Reaction. Interaction. is the guiding principle of the upcoming techno-dancefloor-installation – FORENSIC DENSE – taking place in the frame of Exotic State’s 4th party at Griessmühle.

Recently the young underground Techno Label Exotic State offers its visitors and party guests a little more than expressive techno and strong sounds. The berlin boys granted their party series an additional artistic touch, as well as the possibility of an experimental allround-experience.

Last party, the Exotic State Vol 3., the Digital Artist Esben Holk (House of Killing) was presenting his installation „Welcome to the Internet – Are you also Lost?“ Inside a very intimate and dreamy tent, the artist confronted the visitors directly and floated the question „R U?“.

At the upcoming Exotic State Event, the project FORENSIC DENSE will take over the artistic part and present its new extraordinary concept:

FORENSIC DENSE ist eine Versuchsanordnung auf der Tanzfläche.

Zu ermitteln sind die flüchtigen Faktoren eines Kollektivereignisses: Dynamik, Bewegung, Masse und Verteilung im Raum. Was passiert, wenn wir diese Faktoren sichtbar machen, sie in Rückkopplung zu den grundlegenden Elementen des Techno Dancefloors setzen – Sound, Licht und Visuals…

Am Donnerstag, den 24. August, laden Exotic State zur vierten Party in die Griessmühle ein. Neben Techno im Silo präsentiert Exotic State zudem die interaktive Audiovision FORENSIC DENSE im Hyperraum.

Initiiert und entwickelt von Experience Designerin Mareike Bode,
dem Digital Artist Esben Holk von House of Killing,
dem Universal-Technik-Genie Pit Mathias,
der freien Kuratorin Johanna Griebert
und musikalisch konzipiert von Exotic State.

Take a look by yourself and join this technotic experience! Have Fun =)


Augmented Reality Guide – PART IV

———— Filed under: Allgemein ⁄⁄ Augmented Reality ⁄⁄ Design ⁄⁄ Digital ⁄⁄ Uncategorized ⁄⁄ Virtual Reality
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Publ. 07.28.2017

AUGMENTED REALITY Guide -what you need to know- PART IV


The last part of the article series „Augmented Reality Guide -what you need to know“ gives an introduction about AR options for you as an individual, concerning the own creation of AR content as well as the diverse consume of AR content.

So first of all, HOW CAN I CREATE MY OWN AR CONTENT? – Of course, there are a lot of different apps, softwares and hardware devices which vary in price and quality but if you are a beginner in AR, want to experiment a bit, get a feeling of AR production and do not want to spend a lot of money, favourable apps would be: Zappar, Blippar, EmotionsAR or Aurasma. They are not just free, they are good to understand and easy to use. Aurasma, for example: you just need to login, upload your desired images, add and specify the overlay as well as positioning and after you have finalised all necessary data, you save your project and that’s it!

After covering your AR production, the following is about YOUR AR EXPERIENCE. I was researching for the the most popular and immersive AR apps –of course, just the free ones- and here is a resumé:

If you are into discovering new products, brands or sales you should try Zappar or Layar. Just scan certain product codes or advert and it will begin to move, inform and motivate you for interaction. This kind of marketing is an upcoming trend and is really building up a relationship between the product or brand and the consumer (read more about AR in Marketing in part III).

You want to experience AR in a creative and imaginative way? –Check out:

Ink Hunter: to try different tattoos on preferred places of your body and get a very clear idea of how it would look like.

Amikasa: to design and plan floors or single rooms in 3D. By using furniture and decor from real brands you can incorporate your individual style to create a personal dream interior.

Gabsee: to create your own avatar that is representing you in Augmented Reality. Personalize your avatar with specific clothing, give him a face by taking a selfie and let him do whatever you want.

And for those who want to enjoy AR in a playful way in the frame of a game: Next to the most popular AR gaming App Pokémon Go, there are other variations, too. Their concepts and basic ideas are similar to pokémon go but they vary in figurative content – to make a long story short: there are not pokémons jumping around your environment but rather zombies, dinosaurs or ghosts. Check out Zombies Go, Ghost Snap or Claw Hunter.

Augmented Reality Guide – PART III

———— Filed under: Allgemein ⁄⁄ Art ⁄⁄ Augmented Reality ⁄⁄ Design ⁄⁄ Digital ⁄⁄ Uncategorized ⁄⁄ Virtual Reality
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Publ. 07.26.2017

AUGMENTED REALITY Guide -what you need to know- PART III


In the frame of this AR article series, part III is about the current status of AR inside the modern society, as well as the previous (private and) commercial use.

When you are confronted with Augmented Reality, the first buzzwords you are thinking of might be something like „technical innovation“, „complex algorithms“, „future trends“ or „new digital options“. But we have already made our first AR experiences as kids, for example, the children’s books with folding 3D models to learn about different objects and educate dimensions und proportions.

Nowadays big companies like Microsoft, Google or Apple are making demands on „AR“ and put their expensive products to the foreground of proceedings because they have already identified the big potential of AR technologies – In regard of entertainment as well as in information.

Augmented Reality opens us plenty of opportunities! The main categories where AR is being used for right now are not only the children’s 3D books or the animal selfie masks… There are so much more examples and fields, like:

Companies and brands use AR for their MARKETING to create an interactive experience for their customers and speak to their target group in an entertaining and playful way. They even use it in retail and build up whole AR customer service assistances which provide advice to the clients, convoy them during their brand experience and actually generate an active and lively shopping adventure.

But in general, the demand of AR in the field of INFORMATION DESK AND GUIDANCE is increasing and I am not only speaking of virtual signposts at every street corner or navigation assistance; also the tourism, as well as the arts&culture scene take more and more advantage of the new information tool AR. Especially cultural institutions, museums or galleries try to attract the audience with Enhanced Reality to arrange their visits more exiting or communicate their content in a more practical way.

And here we are at the next big field, in which AR is demonstrating its big potential: EDUCATION. With the aid of new AR training programs, technicians can practice their crafts, get ready for „real-life“ -field service or engineering missions. Actually, medicine students and upcoming doctors do benefit from new AR programs & training – they do not only learn in a very active and efficient way, the users also get feelings for inner structures, proportions and have the possibility to exercise postpositive practical cases. The surgical ward is already using AR during real operations or surgical interventions to get a better view of internal organs etc. At the moment, Augmented Reality is also getting more and more introduced in school education, teaching and classes. And of course, it does… Every kind of content can get transmitted in a more dynamic, playful, lifelike and practical way.

In contrast to the more experimental use of AR in education, its use in the GAMING AND ENTERTAINMENT sector seems to be very established; and also the creative heads of the DESIGN AND CREATION INDUSTRY discover all the new opportunities and adopt them into their work – especially in space or product design, AR lend itself to visualise projects, present their ideas or give others an understanding of new plans.

AR enables us to a plenty of creative, entertaining and informative possibilities. It offers chances to get a deeper knowledge and comprehension, to understand things better, to learn easier and to experience more intense!

Here you can see a collage with diverse examples of contemporary use of Augmented Reality